Billing terms and conditions
Using Secure Sockets Layer (128 Bit SSL Security) To give you the safest, most secure buying experience possible, Ahitee uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. During your online transactions, SSL technology enables encryption (scrambling) of sensitive information, such as passwords and Mastercard numbers. Your personal information is kept safe and secure by using SSL technology on all of the forms on our website.
- PCI conforming
Organizations that handle Mastercard and revolving credit information must adhere to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The standard, as defined by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, was developed to tighten controls over Mastercard data in order to decrease Mastercard fraud caused by its exposure. - PAYMENTS ACCEPTED:
Currently, we accept American Express, Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and PayPal.
Please visit the Paypal website for additional details.
The list of costs and totals is presented in US dollars.
Additional fees are due: We compute shipping at checkout, and there are no taxes in the USA. Please refer to the Shipping Policy for additional details.
Customers’ payment information is not gathered or stored by us.
Yes, Level 1 PCI DSS compliance has been granted to Ahitee.
We take the security of your online transactions extremely seriously, which is why we spent a lot of effort and money getting our solution certified as PCI compliant. We put a lot of effort into making sure our platform is safe, from yearly on-site assessments proving compliance to ongoing risk management.
Our system does not have access to your Mastercard number. We only have access to your billing information, shipping information, order details, and hence the last 4 digits of your Mastercard after your purchase is complete. - POLICY ON PRIVACY
Both you and Ahitee dislike it when someone gives out our personal information! We don’t rent, sell, or otherwise divulge your personal information to anyone.
Our Privacy Policy explains how your personal information is gathered and, consequently, how it might possibly be used. - Discover more about our data privacy policies.
Thank you for making secure purchases!
24/7 customer service: